
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary

With Jesus in our Hearts, we have:

The passion to learn,

The courage to fail,

The strength to love

Year 6 - Mandela Class

Welcome to Mandela Class


Our Teacher is Miss Sumner and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Khan.  


This term our learning journey in History is Changing Power of the Monarchy, Australia – Oceania in Geography, evolution and inheritance as well as famous scientists in Science, mechanisms and cooking and nutrition in Design and Technology and Sculpture and 3D in Art.


During our class novel time we will be reading The Giant’s Necklace, Planet earth and Wonder.  Children will have the opportunity to vote for their class novels, which will be shared as a whole class.


Please ensure zippy wallets come into school with the children every day.


Tuesday – PE day (All children come into school in their PE kits)


Thursday – Homework (due back on Monday)


A normal day in our class

8.40am - 9.00am

Early Morning target time and response to marking

9.00am - 9:05amRegister

9:05am - 10:30am 

Spelling, punctuation and grammer (SPaG)/Guided Reading/English  

10:30am  - 10:45am

Break time

10.45am - 12:00pm  


12:00pm - 1:00pm 


1.00pm - 1:05pm 

Afternoon Register

1.05pm - 3.00 pm

RE, History, Geography, Science, PE, ICT, Art, DT, Music 

3.00 pm - 3.20 pm

Class novel/class Liturgy 

3.20 pm

Home Time


We follow God Matters in Religious Education (the Portsmouth Diocese scheme of learning). The children learn two and a half hours in KS2 each week. Liturgical Prayer occurs daily. 


Things that help us learn

We will be continuing to use Google Classroom as our online learning platform in Key Stage 2. Reading books are sent home on a weekly basis which are pitched at your child’s current reading ability and at a level they can decode and comprehend at a 95% accuracy. Weekly spellings are sent home to consolidate understanding of spellings and spelling rules the children have been taught. Spellings for many children will be taken from Government issued statutory word lists.


Our Curriculum Map

Take a look at our class learning webs to view what the children will be learning throughout the year.


If you have any questions or there is anything urgent that you think I need to know, please contact the School Office either by phone at 01252 548123 or by email at


Summer Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Spring Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Autumn Topics 2023 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Year 6 Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2023

Year 6 Kingswood Residential September 2023
