
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary

With Jesus in our Hearts, we have:

The passion to learn,

The courage to fail,

The strength to love

Year 1 - Seacole Class

Welcome to Seacole Class


Our Teachers are Mrs Grier (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Lowdon          (Thursday and Friday) Seacole’s Learning Support Assistant is Miss Ryan. 


We have an exciting curriculum this term including: Geography – Important Coasts of the UK

History – Infinity and Beyond (Neil Armstrong and Tim Peak) and Science – Plants


Class reading time is a very important part of our day. This term we will be reading stores by Roald Dahl. 


Please ensure zippy wallets come into school with the children every day.


Monday – Spelling test and book changing day (reading practice book and reading for pleasure book)

Wednesday – PE day (All children come into school in their PE kits) If the weather is cold please send in school jumper or cardigan to wear and tracksuit bottoms rather than shorts.

Wednesday – Spellings set and homework set on Google Classrooms 


Timetable and a normal day in our class

Here is a timetable of a day in Seacole class. Please note that occasionally this will be different. 


8:40am - 9:00am  Early Morning Target Time/Morning Prayer/Register 
9:00am - 9:30am Phonics/Reading Practice 
9:30am - 10:30am Whole class teaching of English/Maths
10:30am - 10:45am Breaktime 
10:45am - 11:45amWhole class teaching of English/Maths
11:45am - 12:00pm Lunchtime Prayer/Handwashing and getting ready for lunch 
12:00pm - 1:00pmLunchtime
1:00pmAfternoon Register 
1:00pm - 1:20pm  Handwriting (fine motor activities)
1:20pm - 2:55pm Foundation Subjects - RE or Thematic Topic Learning (History, Geography, Science, PE, ICT, Art, DT, Music) Two sessions
2:55pm - 3:00pm 

Tidy up/Ready for Home/Mindfulness and Home time Prayer

3:00pm 3:20pm 

Class Novel Reading
3:20 pm Home time 


We follow God Matters in Religious Education (the Portsmouth Diocese scheme of learning). The children learn two hours and 15 minutes of RE per week in KS1 and are involved in Collective Worship. 


Things that help us learn

We use My Maths to support children’s home learning and we will be continuing to use Google Classroom as our online learning platform in Key Stage 1.


We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme. We teach phonics daily and each child will take part in reading practise sessions three times a week.


A reading practise book (Collins Big Cat for Little Wandle) reading book will sent home on a weekly basis which is pitched at your child’s current phonic ability and at a level they can decode and comprehend at a 95% accuracy. As well as this, each child will select a reading for pleasure book from the library.


Weekly spellings are sent home to consolidate the phonetic sounds the children have been learning that week.  


Our Curriculum Web

Take a look at our curriculum webs to view what the children will be learning throughout the year.



We will keep you updated with trips and visits!


If you have any questions or there is anything urgent that you think I need to know, please contact the School Office either by phone at 01252 548123 or by                                            email at



Summer Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Spring Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Autumn Topics 2023 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Year 1 Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2023
