
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary

With Jesus in our Hearts, we have:

The passion to learn,

The courage to fail,

The strength to love

Year 2 - Anning Class

Welcome to Anning Class


Our Class teacher is Miss Hyatt and our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs O'Shea 


This term our learning journey in History is Nurturing Nurses and String Soldiers, Kasese – local area in Geography, Plants and Animals Including Humans in Science, Sculpture and 3D in Art and cooking and nutrition in Design and Technology.


During our class story time we will be reading a range of exciting books that the children will be able to vote for each day. We will also be reading a class novel every half term, which will be shared as a whole class.


Please ensure zippy wallets come into school with the children every day.


  • Monday - Spelling Test 
  • Wednesday - PE Day. Please remember to come to school in your PE Kit including jogging bottoms.   
  • Wednesday - Spellings set and homework set 


In year 2 we don’t have a specific day for show and tell, however if the children receive something they are very proud of or have something that is linked to our learning they are very welcome to bring this into school and we will share as a class.



A normal day in our class

8.40am - 9.00am

Early morning target time and response to marking

9.00am - 9:10am

Morning Prayer/Register

9.10am - 9.40am

Spelling, punctuation and grammer (SPaG) or Phonics/VIPERS


Whole class teaching of English/Maths

10.30am - 10:45am

Break time

10.45 am -11.50am

Whole class teaching of English/Maths/RE

11:50am - 12:00pmLunchtime and Liturgical Prayer

12:00pm - 1:00pm


1:00pm -1:10pm 

Afternoon Register

1.10pm -1.30pm

Handwriting and reading/Spelling test  

1:30pm - 3:00pm

RE, History, Geography, Science, PE, ICT, Art, DT, Music

3:00pm - 3:05pm 

Tidy up time and get ready for home

3:05pm - 3:20 pm Mindfulness, class novel reading and home time prayer

3.20 pm

Home Time 


We follow God Matters in Religious Education (the Portsmouth Diocese scheme of learning). The children learn two hours and 15 minutes of RE per week in KS1 and are involved in Liturgical Prayer. 


Things that help us learn

We use MyMaths to support children’s home learning and we will be continuing to use Google Classroom as our online learning platform in Key Stage 1. Reading books are sent home on a weekly basis which are pitched at your child’s current phonic ability and at a level they can decode and comprehend at a 95% accuracy. Weekly spellings are sent home to consolidate the phonetic sounds/SPaG rules the children have been learning that week.  


Our Curriculum Web

Take a look at our curriculum webs to view our topics throughout the year.


If you have any questions or there is anything urgent that you think I need to know, please contact the School Office either by phone at 01252 548123 or by email                                at

Summer Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Spring Topics 2024 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Autumn Topics 2023 - Termly Curriculum Webs

Year 2 Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2023
