
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary

With Jesus in our Hearts, we have:

The passion to learn,

The courage to fail,

The strength to love


At St Bernadette’s we believe it is important that the children learn to take pride in their appearance and come to school in the correct uniform at all times.


Please ensure that the children are wearing correct uniform, all items of which should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. If clothes are named we can usually reunite them with their owner.  Searching for unnamed clothes causes a great deal of distress to the children and can waste valuable class time.  Unclaimed items are recycled or disposed of at the end of each term.


All school uniform is available from Brenda's Schoolwear Shop at 130 Frimley Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 2QN. Tel 01276 818424.  Website:  


The only branded uniform we require is a jumper/cardigan and school tie: all other uniform can be unbranded and available from a range of high street shops.  Second hand uniform is available from the school office and via FoSB events.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

All children may wear either a shirt and tie or a polo shirt all year round.  You know your child’s needs best and may choose either option, however, please do not mix the two – if the children wear a shirt please ensure they are also wearing a tie; if they wear a polo shirt please do not add a tie.


All children should bring a coat to school every day as we do still go outside in light rain and windy weather.


Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)

All children are required to wear a shirt and tie.  White polo shirts are only permitted during the Summer Term (from after Easter until October).  This aspect of our uniform policy was specifically designed as a “rite of passage” into the junior section of the school.  


All children should bring a coat to school every day.


Children need to come in to school wearing their CORRECT PE kit on their PE days, with the exception of Year R who must bring their PE kit in bag, which remains in school for the term. 

  • Year 5 and 6 – Tuesday
  • Year 1 and 2 – Wednesday
  • Year 3 and 4 – Thursday


Stationery - The school will provide children with all necessary stationery.  Your child may wish to bring their own pencil case in Year 6, but please make sure this is inexpensive and that the contents are not excessive.  Please note; we are not responsible for any items of stationery your child brings into school.


Hair - Please ensure haircuts are suitable for school e.g. not elaborate hair styles or short shaved/with a design and the over use of hair gel is not allowed.  Please ensure that  longer hair is tied back. Hairbands should be used to push hair out of a child's line of sight. Hair bands are of the soft variety in school colours or plain black.


Jewellery - For health and safety reasons, jewellery should not be worn in school. The only exceptions are watches and small, plain stud earrings . No decorative earrings are to be worn. All earrings and watches must be removed for PE and games by the child or taped over before coming to school. Staff are not permitted to remove earrings.  It is wise to encourage your child to get into the habit of not wearing watches or earrings on PE days.


Mobile Phones and Smart Watches - Phones are only allowed in school if your child is walking/cycling home alone, they must be switched off and handed in to the school office by your child in the morning.  Please make sure this arrangement is put in writing.  Smart watches are not allowed in school.


Thank you for your support in maintaining high standards and expectations in this area.

