With Jesus in our Hearts, we have:
The passion to learn,
The courage to fail,
The strength to love
At St Bernadette's all meals are prepared daily on site in our school kitchen and provided by Edwards and Ward. There are a choice of nutritionally balanced healthy meals and the children can choose a meat or vegetarian option, meals can be prepared for children on special diets. School meals are available to all children.
Universal Free School Meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, are entitled to receive a hot school dinner, free of charge.
Packed Lunches
Parents do have the option for their child to bring in their own healthy packed lunch. Packed lunches need to be provided in a named lunch box. Drinks should be in an unbreakable container or carton. We ask that no nut products or peanut butter are included as some children have severe allergic reactions. Please do not send in fizzy drinks or sweets.
School Snack Guidelines
We encourage children to bring in healthy snacks full of vitamins and minerals containing no added salt, fat or sugar. Many of these will help contribute to their 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables, keep them alert and help them concentrate. It can be hard during the week to think of suitable items for them to bring in to school, but we are aiming, with the help of the children, to not only support them in making healthy choices regarding snacks, but to also reduce food packaging and waste.
Providing snacks in a small, named, recyclable container is ideal. Children in EYFS and KS1 have a daily snack of fruit or veg provided for free by the government, so additional snacks for these ages may not be required.
If you are intending to send in healthy snacks with your child please limit them to the list below.
We are aiming for a common-sense approach, with the key being to keep it healthy and no chocolate, sweets or crisps.
We need the children to stay hydrated and so please ensure they bring a named water bottle into school daily. Squash and fruit juice are not permitted. We hope that with your help, we can encourage the children to develop healthy eating habits that become a normal part of everyday life. By keeping high calorie snacks to a minimum and establishing healthy eating habits early on, improvements can be made for a child’s quality of life both in the short and long term.
If your child has a food allergy, please contact Mrs Dale in the school office to discuss. Contact number 01252 548123 or via adminoffice@st-bernadettes.hants.sch.uk
Year 3 through to Year 6 have a cost for their school dinner of £3.00 per day, £15.00 per week. Payment for school meals should be made via Parentmail. We are unable to extend credit for any school dinners. Should dinner money become outstanding for payment, you will be requested to provide packed lunches for your child. To avoid mutual embarrassment please do not let this situation arise.
Free School Meals
You can now check online if you are entitled to Free School Meals and make an application. If you think you may qualify for Free School Meals please go to; https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/hants/
The school is able to access additional funding if you are successful with your application. Please check your entitlement even if you are taking advantage of the government's free Key Stage 1 meal provision.
For more information please feel free to call the school office and speak with Mrs Dias in the school office to discuss. Contact number 01252 548123 or via adminoffice@st-bernadettes.hants.sch.uk
As we are reliant on deliveries from contractors, the weekly menus offered may differ from the current Edwards and Ward Menu.
The school provides milk for children through Cool Milk. Parents can register at Cool Milk
Children who are entitled to eligibility checked free school meals (not Universal Free School Meals for Key Stage 1 children), and children under 5 are entitled to free milk.